If the last several years has taught us anything, it is that people have wholeheartedly embraced online shopping. According to Forbes, global e-commerce retail sales were expected to top 20.4 percent in 2022, up from 10 percent only five years ago.
Certainly, COVID was a main driver of that jump, but also the work-from-home trend and the overall convenience that online shopping has become have all contributed to this shift in buying preferences.
The push to e-commerce has also posed a challenge for some retailers big and small to keep up with the packaging and shipping demands of this rising trend. One way retailers can trim costs, stay competitive, and deliver value to their customers is through form, pack and seal machines such as the BEL 5150E. Our first semi-automatic case forming, packing and sealing solution with auto adjust case size changeover, the BEL 5150E is an ideal solution for low to mid-speed e-commerce applications. Here’s why…
Newfound Efficiencies

By having a machine that integrates with a customer’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System, the machine is able to communicate with other parts of the overall process, most critically, being able to identify the items on each order. With this information the BEL 5150E with Smart Select is able to analyze the dimensions of each item in the order and determine the most efficient case size. This removes the decision making from the packer/operator allowing them to focus on packing while always ensuring the most efficient case is always utilized.

A variety of indirect (but significant) cost savings can be had by utilizing the most efficient case in every order. One of the most obvious and significant savings come in the form of reduced courier costs. Courier fees often account for one of the largest costs for e-commerce companies and by using the most efficient box each time, the courier fees are also minimized. Other savings include lower corrugated and dunnage costs by consistently using smaller boxes and less dunnage.
Less Waste, Greater Protection
When pack and seal machines accurately determine the correct box and packaging material, there is no waste. A machine that minimizes waste reduces the amount of dunnage needed to package products. This added value and cost savings is why a smarter, fully integrated pack and seal machines have been in such demand.

Another benefit of proper case selection and packaging material is product safety. Accurate materials assessment adds value because well-packaged items increase successful deliveries. Products getting damaged during transportation are not only costly, but also harmful to the company’s reputation.
Total Solution
The BEL 5150E gives e-commerce operations the means to greatly reduce costs and improve efficiencies. In the world of e-commerce, operators are dealing with different sized products coming down to the packing stations. We looked at our system to find ways to create efficiencies for operators. Although many e-commerce applications seem to use between eight to 15 different box sizes, the BEL 5150E has the capacity of up to 30 different box sizes with the ability to expand if necessary.
E-commerce has grown rapidly and will continue to grow. Suppliers and manufactures will have more and more items to package. For a company to grow, they need a machine that seamlessly integrates with their ERP, packages products accurately and efficiently and assures that more products reach their destination safely.

The only all-in-one pack and seal machine on the market, Wexxar Bel’s BEL 5150E, delivers on all these critical functions. Customers see the BEL 5150E’s ROI (Return on Investment), ease of use and increased productivity a necessity for a well-rounded and efficient packaging line. Now more than ever, savvy e-commerce customers are demanding an all-in-one solution.